Christleton High School Students

Headteacher Appointment

(Posted on 06/05/16)

As you are aware, Mr Tony Lamberton recently announced his intention to step down from his role as Headteacher of Christleton High School. As a result, the Governing Body undertook an initial recruitment process to appoint a new Headteacher. In undertaking that process, we were well aware that finding a new leader who would have the passion, insight and inspirational leadership to take our ‘Outstanding’ school forward would be challenging, and so it has proved.  

We took the decision that no one candidate met the high standards we had set, and consequently, in due course, we will look to re-advertise the role, but it is unlikely that any appointment will be made for at least 12 months.

As a result, we are pleased to confirm that Mr Damian Stenhouse (currently Acting Headteacher) has agreed to become Headteacher until such time that a new appointment is made. Mr Stenhouse has been at Christleton High School for 12 years and is well steeped in the values and ethos of the School. As Acting Headteacher over the last 12 months, he has strongly led the school as the International Studio has developed and the Multi Academy Trust was created.

However, he has indicated that he does not see himself as a candidate for the post as he believes that, for the long term benefit of the School, the new Headteacher should expect to be in post for at least the next ten years. We respect that view and are extremely grateful to him for taking on the role for at least the next 12 months. Mr Stenhouse has confirmed he is proud to have been offered the opportunity and has already outlined a number of exciting priorities and initiatives, which we know he will share with you in due course. We are sure that you will join the Governing Body in wishing him every success in this new role.

In addition, as a result of this appointment and Ms Kate Saxon’s imminent retirement, we have asked Mr Darran Jones to assume the role of Deputy Headteacher for at least the next 12 months. We are also very pleased that Mr Jones has accepted that role.

Whilst both appointments are officially effective from 1st September, Mr Stenhouse will remain in the Acting Headteacher role for the remainder of this term but will increasingly take on duties from Mr Lamberton, and Mr Jones from Ms Saxon. This approach will ensure that the school is best prepared for future challenges, once Mr Lamberton and Ms Saxon have relinquished their roles.

We are totally confident that these changes, coupled with the strengthening of the Senior Leadership team, will ensure that not only is the immediate future of the School secured, but that the springboard for development and growth is established.

 Sue Leake                                                                            Jean Charlton

Chair of Governors                                                                Chair of Governors’ Staffing Committee

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