Christleton High School Students

A Level Results 2015

A Level Results 2015

(Posted on 16/08/15)

Our Sixth Form students and staff yet again have good reason to celebrate their exam success this year, with nearly 70% of all A level grades between A*-C.

For 130 Year 13 students, collecting their results marked the first step on their way to university life.  55% of all students gained one or more A*-B grades and this was testimony to their hard work over the last two years.

Exceptional results were achieved by a number of students, including Andrew Baldacchino, 4 A* grades who will read Physics at Durham; Katy Boyce, 2 A*, A and Mark Hearn, A*, AA who are both planning to study Medicine at Leeds and Manchester respectively; Jenny Finnerty, 3 A* who will study Chemistry at Imperial; Jonas Grader, 2 A*, A who will study Physiotherapy at Birmingham.

In addition, Beth Hosker, A*, AA plans to read Modern Languages at Durham; Amy Henderson, 2 A*, A will read English at Bristol; Rebecca Nibbs, A*, AAB and Eve Riley, A*, AAB will read Geography and History and International Relations respectively at Exeter; Harry Killoran, 3 A* will read Geography at Leeds, Lydia Price, 3 A's will read History at Sheffield; Katherine Weddell, A*, AA will read Chemistry at York.  In addition, Jordan Coxall will take up a sport scholarship in the USA.

Head of Sixth Form, Nick Gannon, praised the students' achievements, saying:

"Once again, we are very proud of our students and the results they have achieved this year.  This is due to the hard work of both staff and students and support from parents."

Acting Headteacher, Damian Stenhouse, added:

"Based on previous results, we had high expectations of this Year Group and they have more than lived up to these with a strong set of results that will help them on their future paths, whether that be into employment or university.

It is a great credit to their determination, on-going resilience and continuing commitment to learning that they have not only met the demands of A level study, but have also achieved outstanding results.

We are obviously very proud of their achievements, and wish them happy and successful futures."

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