Christleton High School Students

ARROWEBROOK BUS SERVICE 36 Discontinued : Guilden Sutton/Hoole/Vicars Cross

(Posted on 02/09/19)

ARROWEBROOK BUS SERVICE 36 : Guilden Sutton/Hoole/Vicars Cross

We have recently received confirmation from Arrowebrook that it is their intention to discontinue operating the above Service (Number 36) with immediate effect.

They have indicated that they have been running the Service at a loss for some time, in the hope that the number of students travelling this way would increase, but, regretfully, this has not been the case.

Following discussions, Arrowebrook have assured us that this was widely publicised both on the bus itself and with students during the last week of term. However, no students mentioned this to us.

Therefore, we have requested that the bus at least runs on 3rd and 4th of September to ensure students, who are not currently aware, can, at least, get to school whilst they make other arrangements. Arrowebrook have agreed to this in principle.

We hope that affected students and their families are now aware and have enough notice to be able to make other arrangements. Parents should visit www.traveline/info for further information.

23rd July 2019

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