Consultation on Christleton High School’s Significant Change Application
(Posted on 06/06/22)
Christleton High School is an Outstanding secondary school and part of The Learning Trust. The school operates from a single campus in the village of Christleton, Cheshire. Due to both its excellent reputation and the significant housing developments that have taken place in the catchment area, Christleton High School has experienced steady growth in demand for pupil numbers for several years. Currently, its facilities are overcrowded, which hinders both day to day operations, the educational experience of students, including curriculum delivery and safe travel around school.
We are therefore in the process of submitting an application to the Department for Education (DfE), seeking approval to change the internal configuration of our school buildings in order to formalise the temporary Published Admissions Number (PAN) under which we are currently operating, and which will strongly contribute to solving the challenges brought about by our overcrowded teaching spaces.
Our proposal, which includes no increase in pupil numbers when compared to current numbers, combines build construction, refurbishment, and re-designation of existing spaces.
It includes several discrete elements, as follows:
- Building of a 12m x 24m two-storey extension, attached to our existing Art and Science block, which will contain three classrooms and a study, social and pastoral care space
- Re-designation of the Sixth Form and Main School catering areas
- Re-disignation and relocation of the Sixth Form Study areas
We expect that the entire work will take approximately 25 weeks, with completion currently predicted for April 2023. All capital costs related to the project will be funded by the Local Authority. We will also do all that we can to ensure that disruption to the school and the local community, during the building works, will be kept to a minimum.
We value the views and opinions of both parents/carers and any other member of the community we serve. For this reason, we would be grateful if you could reply to the questions outlined below.
The consultation will run from Monday 6th June 2022 to Monday 4th July 2022, during which:
- We will be running a face-to-face event at Christleton High School on Wednesday 15th June 2022 from 4pm to 6pm.
- We will also run an online Q&A on Zoom on Thursday 23rd June from 11 am to 12 noon.
To attend either event, please express your interest by completing a very brief form using the link:
This will be an opportunity to meet members of the School Leadership Team and ask any questions you may have.
We invite you to share your views by filling our online survey here:
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