Christleton High School Students

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

(Posted on 26/02/20)

Dear Parent/Carer

You might be aware that a number of schools have either closed or partially closed following concerns of staff and students returning from ski trips in Northern Italy.

These schools clearly will have taken advice from Public Health England and NHS111 and their own unique circumstances will have led them to make those decisions.  Our half term trips were to areas where no concerns have yet been raised and therefore we have no plans to close.

We will of course be monitoring the situation for future planned trips.

However, I thought I should send you the following information and guidance which may be helpful to you.  Obviously, this is an ever changing picture so it is worth checking the most up to date information daily on which outlines the steps you should be taking.

There is currently no cause for concern at the school, but we will keep you informed about any developments and ensure we are keeping the school clean to prevent the spread of any virus.

The following information is accurate as I write but is clearly subject to change.

Prevent the spread of infection

  • Wash your hands often - with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or an alcohol-based sanitiser if soap and water aren't available.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • If you feel unwell, stay at home and don't attend work or school.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue then throw the tissue in the bin.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces in the home.
  • If you're worried about your symptoms, please call NHS111 - don't go directly to your GP or other healthcare environment.

If you or your children have returned from the following areas SINCE FEBRUARY 19TH, call NHS111 to inform them of your recent travel, stay indoors and avoid contact with other people EVEN IF YOU DO NOT HAVE SYMPTOMS:

  • Iran
  • Specific lockdown areas in Northern Italy* as designated by the Government of Italy:

In the Lombardy Region:

  • Bertonico; Casalpusterlengo; Castelgerundo; Castiglione D'Adda; Codogno; Fombio; Maleo; San Fiorano; Somaglia; and Terranova dei Passerini.

In the Veneto Region: Vo

(a map has been published on news websites to help detail the relevant areas).

  • Daegu or Cheongdo (Republic of Korea)
  • Hubei province, China (returned in the past 14 days)

If you have returned from the following areas since February 19th:

  • Northern Italy
  • Vietnam
  • Cambodia
  • Laos
  • Myanmar

If you develop symptoms you should stay indoors at home, avoid contact with other people immediately and call NHS111.

If you have returned to the UK from any of the following areas in the last 14 days:

  • Other parts of China outside Hubei province
  • Thailand
  • Japan
  • Republic of Korea
  • Hong Kong
  • Taiwan
  • Singapore
  • Malaysia
  • Macau

If you develop symptoms you should stay indoors at home, avoid contact with other people immediately and call NHS111.

If you or your children are well:

  • You don't need to avoid contact with other people
  • Your other family members don't need to take any precautions or make any changes to their own activities.

If you or your children become unwell:

  • Stay indoor and avoid contact with other people as you would with other flu viruses.
  • Follow the home_isolation_advice_sheet
  • Call NHS111 immediately in order for you to be assessed by an appropriate specialist in hospital, as quickly as possible.
  • In the case of your child becoming ill, continue to follow the school's procedure regarding reporting absences.

If you or your child have any further concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Kind regards

DP Jones


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