Christleton High School Sixth Form Students


Art class at Christleton High School

Art is an exciting and enriching subject and, in the Art Department at Christleton, our students are challenged by a wide range of creative experiences. Learning in Art develops visual intelligence, two and three dimensional thought, and skills in independent learning.

In Years 7-9 students at Christleton have 2 hours of Art & Design per fortnight and study key themes including colour, architecture, the Renaissance, portraiture and cultural art and craft. Both effort and attainment are carefully rewarded, not least in sketchbook competitions and photography competitions.

In Years 10 & 11 students have 5 hours of Art per fortnight in order to complete their GCSE course in Fine Art. At A Level, we offer Fine Art and Photography, and students have 10 hours of lessons per fortnight for these courses. GCSE and A Level students may participate in residential visits.

Art class at Christleton High School

Our chosen examination board at all levels is AQA and, at GCSE and A Level, assessment in Art focuses on four areas. These are developing ideas, experimentation, making images and other forms of artwork in a variety of ways and, finally, responding personally to a topic, theme or idea. From Christleton, many students continue with Art and Design in various forms including Art Foundation and degrees in Fine Art, Fashion and Architecture. We are proud of the artistic progress made by all of our students, whether in school or beyond school.

Extra-Curricular Activities

  • Competitions
  • Hot Scholar student members of the Art Department lead and run their own initiatives and activities and also activities for younger students
  • Participation in Art residentials for Key Stage 4 & Sixth Form
  • Students also curate whole school exhibitions

Students in Art class at Christleton High School


Art KS3 Year 7 Assessment GridDownload
Art KS3 Year 8 Assessment GridDownload
Art KS3 Year 9 Assessment GridDownload
Curriculum OverviewDownload

Useful Links

Tate Liverpool Link icon Visit website
British Museum Link icon Visit website