Christleton High School Students

Assessment & Reporting

KASH - Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills and Habits

Our Assessment and Reporting Framework first and foremost supports teaching and learning, whilst providing meaningful feedback that students can act upon.

It aims to:

  • To provide a method for assessing and reporting student progress that is simple and easy to understand - for students and parents
  • To be based on high expectations and challenge for all and to provide opportunities for all students to experience success
  • Be closely linked to the curriculum and focused on supporting students in developing the knowledge, understanding and skills needed for success at Key Stage 4 (and 5)
  • Support teaching and learning and encourages a ‘growth mindset’ by providing students and parents with high quality next-steps feedback focused on specific objectives

The Assessment and Reporting Framework welcomed the introduction of Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills and Habits (KASH) to assessment and reporting of student progress across all Year groups.

The expected Knowledge and subject specific Skills have been identified by departments in accordance with curriculum expectations. Students will be supported in understanding how to make progress in Knowledge and Skills specific to each department.

Assessing progress in behavioural Attitude and learning Habits provides us with the opportunity to monitor and support student progress towards demonstrating each of the five values that are at the heart of our school ethos - the 5 C’s.

Progress in Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills and Habits (KASH) are assessed and reported for each student, in each subject, on a termly basis. After each reporting session, students will be encouraged to reflect upon their progress and to set personal goals or targets to support further development.

Further information can be found in our KASH Parent Guide videos below:

Year 7-9 KASH Guide for Parents

Year 10-11 KASH Guide for Parents

Year 12-13 KASH Guide for Parents






A guide to how we measure progress at Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11) Download
Developing Great Habits - A Parent Guide to Help with Learning at Home Download
KS3 Career Guide Download
KS3 Parent / Carer Booklet Download