Christleton High School Students

Homework at CHS

Why is homework important?

Students doing homework at Christleton High School

Homework is essential for students to reinforce classroom learning and develop learning habits for future academic success.

The Education Endowment Foundation report outlines the following key findings in relation to the effectiveness of homework and home learning:

  • Homework has a positive impact on student progress (roughly equating to +5 months of progress). It has been proven that students who regularly complete homework/home learning perform better in assessments
  • Some students may not have a quiet space for home learning it is important for schools to consider how home learning can be supported (e.g. through providing homework clubs for students)
  • Homework that is linked to classroom work tends to be more effective. In particular, studies that included feedback on homework had higher impacts on learning
  • It is important to make the purpose of homework clear to students (e.g. to increase a specific area of knowledge, or to develop fluency in a particular area)

Homework at Christleton High School is designed to be:

  • Relevant to prior, current, or future learning
  • Purposeful, well-planned, and timely
  • Monitored regularly

Key Principles

Students doing homework at Christleton High School
  • All homework/home learning tasks will either cover subject matter that has already been taught in lessons or in preparation for future learning
  • Students should have a clear understanding of the purpose of the task set and how it links to their learning of Knowledge and Skills in the classroom
  • Tasks will be explained and modelled by teaching staff to ensure students feel able and confident in its completion
  • Tasks will be clear, meaningful and make efficient use of time
  • At least one homework/home learning task set each half term will be focussed around the effective development of student Learning Habits (making flash cards, use of Cornell Notes). See the Learning Habits page of our website for more information
  • There is an expectation that all students will regularly read for pleasure to support their literacy and oracy development (20 minutes per day)
  • Homework/home learning will be set regularly in line with year group guidance
  • Students will have at least 24 hours to complete homework tasks. Only in exceptional cases, can tasks be set that are due in for the following day
  • Students will be given 2 weeks notice prior to an assessment taking place, with specific supportive Learning Habits linked revision tasks set for students
  • All homework tasks will be set on Synergy. Resources for homework tasks will be accessible via google classrooms
  • Sanctions for failure to complete or submit homework must be in line with the CHS Behaviour Policy

Typical homework tasks

Possible homework and homelearning tasks may include:

  • Wider reading and note-making Literacy/ numeracy development
  • Retrieval of prior knowledge to support transfer to long term memory
  • Using key word maps
  • Use of online platforms such as Seneca, Sparx, Mathswatch
  • Completion of exam questions
  • Reflection tasks to support metacognitive development
  • Creating flash cards to support retrieval practise
  • Exam linked coursework (NEAs)
  • Deliberate practise of key skills
  • Creation of brain dumps
  • Self quizzing
  • Self marking quizzes
  • Preparing for in class assessments
  • Creative project tasks
  • Research tasks to inform in class work
  • Flipped Learning: prepare work to be completed in class, e.g. read an article
  • Making Cornell notes or make notes, watch a video and answer questions etc
  • Study and learn notes/vocabulary
  • Drafting and redrafting work
  • Watch or listen to particular TV or radio programmes
  • Preparing a presentation
  • Project based work
  • Rehearsing and line learning
  • Preparation of resources/ ingredients for practical lesson