Christleton High School Sixth Form Students


Speak Out, Speak Up, Your Voice Matters!

‘A literate student is one who is confident with reading, writing, speaking and listening in any context and able to use this to navigate adult life.’ - Sarah Findlater

Our aims

  • To be, as a school, knowledgeable and confident in the teaching of high quality literacy
  • To promote the importance of oracy and the formal skills of debate through the Y7 Your Voice Matters and the Y8 Speak Up, Speak Out programmes
  • To develop and promote a culture of reading, both for pleasure and to enhance academic progress
  • To teach academic vocabulary explicitly and clearly, in a coherently planned way, across the curriculum
  • To support students with vocabulary deficits
  • To promote and scaffold high quality academic writing and talk in the classroom
  • To help our students to become more conscious of the language they use, and help them to develop independent word learning strategies

We expect our students to

  • Engage in specific activities that develop speaking and listening skills as well as activities that integrate speaking and listening with reading and writing
  • Develop speaking and listening skills through work that makes cross-curricular links with other subjects
  • Develop reading skills through work that makes cross-curricular links
  • Develop writing skills through work that makes cross-curricular links
  • Redraft their work in the light of feedback. This could include self-evaluation using success criteria, recording and reviewing performances, target setting and formal and informal use of peer assessment

Our overall ambition is for students

  • To make extended, independent contributions that develop ideas in depth
  • To read widely, with purpose and for pleasure
  • To make purposeful presentations that allow them to speak with authority on significant subjects
  • To engage with texts that challenge preconceptions and develop understanding beyond the personal and immediate
  • To experiment with language and explore different ways of discovering and shaping their own meanings
  • To use writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of views and perspectives on the world


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