Christleton High School Students

Teaching for Excellence

Students releasing balloons at Christleton High School

Learning and teaching is the core purpose of our school. It is our aim to motivate all our students to have high aspirations, to want to do their personal best and to have the desire to be successful in and out of school. We are trying to prepare students to be successful in a rapidly changing world that has many challenges some of which are yet unforeseen. We can only nurture flexible and creative learners if teachers and students work in partnership to create a stimulating and successful learning environment.

Everything we do is about learning

We understand that the single most important factor in the success of our schools is the quality of learning.

As teachers we must face up to the power and responsibility we have: what we do affects students’ life chances.

Objectives of the Learning Policy

  • To enable effective learning to take place in every classroom
  • To ensure that the focus will be on young people and their learning
  • To make explicit our beliefs about the characteristics of an effective learner
  • To enable all members of the school community to be successful learners
  • Ensure that the values of the school are recognisable in its core activity

It is our aim to have students involved fully in the learning process thereby promoting an active culture of learning. This guidance booklet, not only sets out the principles and expectations behind our learning environment, but also some practical strategies and tips for achieving it - and should be read in conjunction with the policies on Feedback & Marking and Behaviour for Learning.

This handbook is the most important of all school documents because it represents the core purpose of our school. Over 6000 hours of student lesson time are experienced in Christleton High School every single day. The success of our school and of our students is determined by the quality of learning which takes place here.

At Christleton High School we do not have a preferred way of teaching, we do however, expect that our ‘Teaching for Excellence’ approach is adopted and in all lessons we see the following:

  • All students to be actively engaged in their learning
  • All students to be challenged, whatever their personal circumstances or need
  • All students to make progress
  • All students to enjoy their learning
  • Appropriate pace to learning
  • Appropriate use of assessment to aid the above
  • Students acquire appropriate learning behaviours

Learning should be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for everyone. Through our teaching we equip our students with the knowledge, skills and understanding that will enable them to make informed choices about the important things in their lives and to contribute to their local community, to society as a whole and to the economic success of this country.

With effective and enjoyable teaching and learning experiences we can help our students to lead happy, healthy and rewarding lives.

In order to achieve this vision we must invest as much attention to professional learning as we do to the processes of student learning, as the two are inextricably linked. Therefore we seek to develop a school culture in which teachers are also keen to remain learners, constantly evaluating and developing their professional practice, understanding better, the teaching and learning process and being committed to continual professional development and being fully supported to do so, it is only right that as teachers we echo the aspirations that we have for our students.

Teaching for Excellence: key principles

  1. It is vital that staff have a consistent and shared understanding and approach to promoting learning. However, it is recognised that staff have different styles, strengths, enthusiasms and approaches - this is valuable and to be celebrated and shared. Our aim is to provide an environment where successful learners are developed through the highest possible quality of learning and teaching experiences in a range of contexts
  2. Teamwork underpins our professional roles. Our success depends on how closely we support and energise each other. We are on a learning journey, and have much to learn from colleagues and other professionals; we learn from our mistakes. We aim to establish high expectations and collaborative structures that result in motivation, self-esteem and good relationships. The creation of a positive climate and ethos will promote the positive behaviour essential for effective learning to take place in an active and participatory nature. We believe that effective and appropriate learning experiences help children to lead happy and rewarding lives
  3. Teaching is sometimes difficult, and there are always barriers to overcome when promoting learning. However, we are right to be ambitious for what can be achieved, and optimistic that learning can always be enhanced for all our students.
  4. Achievement should be recognized and rewarded, underachievement must be challenged, not just identified
  5. Each and every student has the right to access the very best learning that we are able to offer; lessons should all be planned and prepared clearly, relating to schemes of work, departmental and school policies
  6. We are responsible for providing the guidance, support and expertise necessary for the best learning to take place. ‘Working’ is not always ‘learning’ - we should enable our students to be active learners in an atmosphere that fosters enjoyment and progress

This document is a working document that will support teachers in the provision of high quality, outstanding learning experiences.

Successful Learning & Teaching

Successful learning is achieved through high quality teaching and positive interactions between and among staff, parents, carers and learners. Good practice for classroom teachers is outlined in the supporting documentation. (Sections 1 - 10)

The teacher plays a pivotal role in achieving successful learning. It is our view that effective teachers show flexibility, are inspirational, cooperative and respectful. Good teachers are able to self-evaluate and are reflective of their practice. They are good communicators, risk takers and have a sense of humour.

Formative assessment is an integral part of successful learning and teaching: learners understand learning intentions, success criteria and are given feedback that develops their learning through structured opportunities to reflect on personal learning experiences and take action on advice. Learners are encouraged to take an active part in, and responsibility for, their own learning and progress and given structured opportunities to reflect on these experiences, encouraging independence and resilience. Assessment to support learning is an integral aspect of successful learning and teaching.

Skilful assessment is used continually by teachers to establish where students are in their learning and how they can reach the standards they are aiming for. Assessment should support students formatively in their progress at all times rather than providing stand-alone levels or grades that provide no support for students to move forward in their learning.

The needs of individual learners are met through a variety of teaching approaches and resources including the full and effective use of collaborative contexts and ICT where appropriate.

The needs of all learners are catered for through a combination of high expectations, keen use of data and differentiation in order to promote the progress of all student groups irrespective of gender or ability, removing barriers to learning where they exist.

Other adults, such as learning support assistants, are deployed effectively within the school and within the classroom to benefit the learning of students within their specific care and also the general student population. Where possible, teachers will plan collaboratively with TAs and plan for their deployment in any learning experience. Teachers are responsible for the effective deployment of TAs to ensure progress and achievement for students.

Displays are used to contribute to a stimulating and supportive environment for learning.

Intelligent use of the rich data allow teachers to base lessons and schemes of work on clear knowledge of students’ prior attainment and predictions for future achievement.

Home learning should be set in accordance with the home learning policy, enabling students to plan their time effectively.

Home learning is planned by teachers as an essential part of any learning experience that will encourage independence in learners and extend their skills or knowledge of whatever area they are studying through research, interpretation and communication.


Teaching Standards Are Met to the Highest Level Plus... Download
Section 1 - Teacher Behaviours - The 5C’s of Christleton Download
Section 2 - Assessment for Learning Download
Section 3 - Behaviour for Learning for the Classroom Teacher Download
Section 4 - Developing Great Habits - A Parent Guide to Help with Learning at Home Download
Section 5 - What classroom teachers need to know about SEND Download
Section 6 - Other teaching techniques Download