Christleton High School Students

Exam Information

(Posted on 13/02/20)

This year's national exam contingency day is Wednesday 24th June 2020. The contingency day has been put in place in case of national or local disruption resulting in the cancellation of exams. We have been advised that ALL STUDENTS who are taking exams this summer should be available up to and including Wednesday 24th June 2020. This is the very last date that a rearranged exam can be moved to. 
External exams run from Monday 11th May - Wednesday 24th June 2020 and students must be available for all dates, regardless of their timetable. Students will receive individual timetables in April. Please be aware that there are some MFL speaking exams and BTEC exams before this period. 
If you are thinking of booking a summer holiday, it's important to ensure you book after 24th June. If an exam is rescheduled and your child is not available to sit on the rearranged date then they will be awarded zero marks for the rearranged paper(s). 
If you have any questions about the Contingency Day please contact the exams office. 

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