Christleton High School Students

Invitation to our Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday 18 January 2018, from 18:30 - 21:00

Invitation to our Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday 18 January 2018, from 18:30 - 21:00

(Posted on 18/01/18)

Dear Prospective Student, Parent / Guardian,

We warmly invite you to attend our Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday 18 January 2018, from 18:30 - 21:00.

Prior to your arrival, we would recommend that you view the programme for the evening as there will be timed presentations taking place in various locations around the school. A  copy of the programme can be downloaded below. All Year 11 Christleton students will be given a copy of the programme to take home by Thursday 18 January.  Students from external schools can register their interest by contacting Mrs J Brown, Sixth Form Administrator on

It is not necessary to book a place; prospective students, parents / guardians are all most welcome to come along.

Our prospectus and application pack will be given to all prospective students when they arrive and register on the evening.   Anyone who is unable to attend can collect a pack from Mrs Brown or our main school reception after the event.

Applications for our Sixth Form will be accepted from Friday 19 January 2018 to Wednesday 31 January 2018.

If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact Mrs Brown on

We look forward to meeting you!


Mr M Cosstick

Head of Sixth Form

Open Evening programme 2018

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