Christleton High School Students

Message from the Department for Education. National survey of children, The Big Ask, launches today.

(Posted on 20/04/21)

National survey of children, The Big Ask, launches today

The new Children’s Commissioner for England, Dame Rachel de Souza, has today launched The Big Ask – the largest ever consultation with children aged 4 to 17 in England. It aims to find out children’s concerns and aspirations about the future, so that we can put children at the heart of our country’s recovery from the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

Parents, care leavers and those working with children are also invited to complete the adult survey to share their views about the future for children and young people today, and what they think is holding young people back.

The results from this survey will help the Children’s Commissioner identify the barriers preventing children from reaching their potential, put forward solutions and set ambitious goals for the country to achieve.

Travelling to school and college safely

It is likely that the roads and public transport system will be busier than when students returned in March, given other businesses have reopened. Please read the points below regarding safe travel to and from school:

  • if you live a short distance from your school or college, walk, cycle or scoot to and from school wherever it is possible and safe to do so
  • avoid sharing a car with anyone outside of your household or support bubble
  • if you are using public transport to get to school or college, plan ahead and allow more time for your journey
  • when you are travelling by public or dedicated school transport, don’t forget to:
    • wear a face covering (unless you are exempt – including?if you are aged 11 and under).?It is important you wear them for the entirety of your journey, including inside a bus or train station
    • social distance where possible
    • wash or sanitise your hands regularly
    • be considerate to fellow passengers and staff.

Further information can be found in our guidance on transport to school and other places of education.


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