Child using laptop at Christleton High School
High school student reading an atlas in school library
Teenage boy doing school work

Parent Partnership

Welcome to the ‘Parent Partnership’ page of our school website.

Like you, we want the best for your child, and by working in partnership we hope we can successfully enrich your child’s journey through Christleton High School so they can move on to a secure and rewarding future.

Research has shown the power of parental engagement in the success of your child’s education; more information on this is given below.

Close communication

Close communication is at the core of our partnership approach. Keeping parents and carers updated with their child's progress is an essential part of what we do. From our ParentApp, soon to be available to Parents’ Evenings and written reports, we keep those all-important channels of communication wide open.

We hope that our Parent Partnership will allow this communication to grow into a really useful two-way collaborative relationship and hope to develop this in the way parents find most useful, whether it be face-to-face meetings in school, online virtual meetings and webinars, website video presentations, or other formats that parents suggest.

Areas we hope to cover include Safeguarding and E-Safety, Developing Literacy and Numeracy, Year 9 and Post-16 Options Choices, Career Planning, and any other topics that parents might find useful.

If you do have any suggestions of topics you think would be beneficial to parents, then please do get in touch and let us know.

Teenage girl doing homework
High school boy in library
Male and female students at Christleton High School

Supported by research

International research supports that Parental Engagement impacts student achievement. More specifically, current research directs parents to engage consistently with their children - talk, share, encourage.

Parents need to set high aspirations and help develop their children as learners

Professor John Hattie, Auckland University, New Zealand, conducted a 15-year analysis (published 2008) of 50,000 studies involving 83 million students to see what worked in education.

This parent engagement includes setting goals, displaying enthusiasm for learning, encouraging good study habits, valuing enquiry, experimentation and learning new things, and the enjoyment of reading.

When parents actively engage, examination results go up

One of the most influential literature reviews, carried out was by Professor Charles Desforges (2003)

Parent support can make every teacher more effective

Every three years, the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) tests 15-year-olds in the world’s leading industrialised nations on their reading comprehension and ability to use what they’ve learned in maths and science to solve real problems - the most important skills for succeeding in college and life.

Looking beyond the classrooms to better understand why some students thrive taking the PISA tests while others do not, the PISA team interviewed the parents of 5,000 students about how they raised their kids and then compared responses with student test results. The PISA team made three profound discoveries:

Parent surveys started with four countries in 2006, and grew to an additional 14 in 2009 and reported the findings above in 2011. PISA is conducted by The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

The kind of parental engagement matters, as well

The PISA team also discovered that simply talking to and asking your child how their school day was, and showing genuine interest in their learning can have the same impact as hours of private tutoring.

Many forms of involvement, but only few relate to higher student performance

In an article called "Back to School" for The American School Board Journal, November 2011, Patte Barth, Director of the National School Boards Association’s Center for Public Education, reported that parent involvement affects student achievement, and found somewhat surprising results:

Practical Ideas For Parents

Influenced by research, parents might like to:

  • consider the ways in which they can demonstrate their own interest in learning
  • make sure that they model some of the skills listed below
  • invest time in having good conversations about their child’s progress, about their own beliefs, expectations and feelings, making sure to listen carefully to what is being said!

Using the 6 factors framework parents could:


  • Be clear about their high-expectations
  • Look ahead and help their child to set goals
  • Make clear their belief that all children can get smarter and learn more effectively through effort and positive thinking


  • Set clear routines for the time before and after school and for weekends and encourage your child to be involved in a reasonable amount of regular extra- curricular activity
  • Use mealtimes as opportunities to talk
  • Set aside time to read with their child and to look at their school and home work
  • Create space for their child to tell them when s/he is under stress or worried

Opportunity to Learn

  • Ensure their home has lots of games, puzzles and books
  • Make sure that their child has a quiet place to study
  • Find things to learn together on a regular basis
  • Use everyday activities, cooking, gardening, making things, reading the newspaper to do things together and get to know one another more


  • Celebrate effort and hard work whenever possible
  • Tune in to the way their child learns, providing hands-on experiences where possible and also opportunities to reflect
  • Teach their child to practise - setting aside time, setting goals, repeating the hard bits, watching experts etc
  • Make it clear that learning involves making mistakes and requires effort


  • Encourage their child’s questioning!
  • Notice what their child loves doing and be on the look- out for their emerging passions
  • Talk about times when they are finding something difficult and what they are doing to cope

Role Modeling

  • Talk about their own learning, successes, frustrations, times they have had to persist at something
  • Take the opportunity to share their passions and show how they make time to do things that matter to them
  • Talk about people they admire

Some useful skills and dispositions for learning and living in the 21st century

Noticing things; Adapting to change; Questioning; Scepticism; Using learning tools; Independent learning; Collaborating; Empathy; Problem-solving; Persisting; Self-regulating; Experimenting; Being positive; Using humour; Practising; Reflecting; Intuitive thinking; Goalsetting; Unlearning; Transferring learning.


These webinar recordings include sections on:

  • Our school pastoral team
  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Careers
  • Safeguarding
  • Parental partnership




Information Evenings

Information Evening Wednesday 12th October 2022

Please find an overview of our most recent Year 8 and 9 Information Evening


  • Our Values and Ethos
  • Becoming an independent learner
  • KASH Assessment Framework
  • The Journey from Year 8 to 9
  • Year 9 Options Process


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