Christleton High School Students

Hire our Facilities

We are very proud of our facilities and are happy to be able to rent them out to third parties. These facilities include our main Hall, our Classrooms and sports facilities.

It is important that any such lettings are clearly marketed as being unrelated to school activities unless agreed in advance.

Our Lettings Policy

  • The Governing Body of Christleton High School sets and approves the scale of charges for lettings and/or for the use of facilities. Free use and charges below economic cost should be unusual and authorised only by the Finance Manager on an individual basis
  • The Site Manager is responsible for all lettings. The Finance Manager will undertake all administration including detailed records of each letting
  • Applicants are sent an application form, together with a copy of terms and conditions and a list of charges. On receipt of both the completed application and a copy of the applicant’s public liability insurance, the letting may progress at the discretion of the Finance Manager
  • If the letting is not to take place, the applicant is to be advised in writing
  • If the letting is to proceed, the Site Manager notifies the Finance Manager and passes over the documentation. The Finance Manager then raises and sends an invoice to County who are responsible for debt collection on behalf of the school
  • The maximum period for any letting is limited to twelve months
  • A damage retention charge may be made for certain events. This refundable charge is to be paid in addition to and at the same time as the letting charge

To read our Letting Policy, please refer to our Policies & Documents page.

Application Form

Download Application for Hire of Facilities Form