Christleton High School Students



The needs of our students cannot be met by schools and teachers working alone. Complex needs require collaborative solutions. Effective collaboration improves staff performance, but it will also improve student performance. Collaboration begins with finding time to connect with colleagues, to share thoughts, and provide support.

We can have a more significant impact when we work with others, such as government and education organisations and people at a local level. Our school works with others to create happy, safe communities by having key community members as governors, engaging parents, and taking part in local events.

"Collaboration begins with finding time to connect"

Key behaviours

  • Staff must be versatile, well-trained and multi-skilled.
    • To competently fulfil the requirements of their respective roles, staff must: develop their capacity,
    • Develop knowledge and skills as it relates to current and potential assignments;
    • Be prepared to work collaboratively as part of the educational partnership, including parents, teachers, other professionals and other support staff,
    • Remain flexible and be prepared to adapt duties and schedules to respond to changes in students’ needs.
  • Please find time to collaborate: with shared planning time, teachers can make strides in planning rigorous and appropriate lessons for their students. This also means stepping outside your department, get involved in cross-curricular links and partnerships.
  • Share responsibility: the best teacher teams complement each other, build relationships, observe the best.

Key descriptors

  • Teamwork
  • Sharing
  • Supporting
  • Inclusive