Summer 2022 Exam certificates
(Posted on 07/02/23)
Summer 2022 Exam Certificates are now available for collection from the Main School Reception.
Reception opening times during term time are between 08:00 and 15:30 daily Monday to Friday.
As the certificates are legal documents, all certificate holders must bring a form of ID when collecting their certificates, for example a passport or photocard driving licence.
If someone else (other the certificate holder) is collecting the certificates on their behalf, a signed note from the certificate holder, authorising the collection on their behalf, must be given to the member of staff issuing the certificates.
The person collecting the certificates will also be asked for their ID to confirm they are the designated person mentioned in the certificate holder’s note.
Certificates will not be issued without the correct ID or written permissions.
Please note that outside term time, Reception opening hours are reduced and the office is only open between 09:00 and 12:00. Please phone in advance if you would like to confirm opening times on a specific date on 01244 335843.
Certificate holders should note that it is their responsibility to check that they have received all of their certificates and that all the grades showing are correct. If a certificate holder has any queries regarding their certificates, they should contact the Exams Department via the school website.
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