Christleton High School Students


Career Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) contributes to student achievement by raising aspirations, confidence and motivation. Here at Christleton High we deliver a careers programme with the aim of ensuring that all students leave school, fully prepared for further studies and the world of work. Fully integrated into the school curriculum, the programme is delivered through Form time and PSHE lessons. Our Tutors have all received training to guide students through a programme of study utilising UNIFROG from Year 7 through to Year 13. In addition there are a range of opportunities for students to explore careers through visits and work experience during Futures Week, external speakers from local businesses and colleges and our annual Careers Fair.

Each student will meet with our Careers Advisor during KS4 and KS5 to guide and help with next steps Guided by the Gatsby benchmarks we regularly review our provision which can be seen on the roadmap below. Our termly Newsletter will keep you up to date with current events and opportunities, including dates for our parental webinars.

Download Roadmap

An Introduction to your Careers Advisers

Christleton employs careers advisors who have worked in the industry for a number of years. They are committed and passionate about Young People receiving impartial, supportive and bespoke Careers Guidance.

On Mondays and Tuesdays, we will be offering One to One Careers appointments. You will be invited for a one-to-one appointment in Years 11 and 13, however if you would like to request to see an advisor, please speak to your Tutor, and ask to arrange an appointment.

Our advisors can help you to make informed decisions about your next steps. We also offer support for choosing your post 16 and post 18 choices.

If students or parents/carers have any questions around careers, then please feel free to get in touch

How do we measure the impact of our careers programme on students?

The results of surveys and student panel meetings are routinely used to monitor and to improve our provision for the following academic year. Planned quality assurance for 2023-2024 include:

Nov 2023 Student survey following the Post-16 Choices Day
Dec 2023 Student feedback following Year 9 Employer Engagement Day
Jan 2024 Student Voice (Yrs 7-13) feedback on careers provision and UNIFROG

Whole school Staff survey re. Careers provision
April 2024 Student survey following our Careers Fair
June 2024 Feedback after Year 10 work experience
Spring and Summer Terms 2024 Opportunity for parents to feedback following parental webinars
July 2024 Student survey following Year 12 Careers week

Our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Policy can be accessed via our Policies & Documents page.

Mr M Cosstick

The Careers Leader is Mr M Cosstick
Telephone: 01244 335 843

Mrs K Sykes

The Careers Co-Ordinator is Mrs K Sykes
Telephone: 01244 335 843

Mrs K Bent

The Careers Advisor is Mrs K Bent
Telephone: 01244 335 843
Mrs Bent will be available for appointments in school on Mondays and Tuesdays.


The Careers Lead attends regular CWAC Cluster meetings and any appropriate training of staff CPD will be undertaken during Wednesday P5 CPD sessions.

Do you know what future pathway you wish to take…?

Your Future, Your Choice

Futures is the name for everything we offer at Christleton to prepare students for their future world of work.

Futures activities include careers advice sessions, work-related learning, progression to employment events, and higher education / university conventions.

Futures people are all those who are available to help Christleton students make choices for their future direction, and include:

  • Mr Mike Cosstick: Assistant Headteacher
  • Mrs K Sykes: Careers co-ordinator, Head of Citizenship / PSHE and co-ordinator of the PSHE careers programme
  • Mrs Jean Charlton: School Governor and co-ordinator of our Volunteer Network of industry professionals
  • Mrs Annie Rose: Personal and Vocational Guidance Administrator, including co-ordination of programme of work placements
  • Mrs Kath Bent: Futures Advisor
  • Form tutors, Subject teachers, and Heads of Year

Our aim is to ensure that all students are given the best start for a rewarding future career during their time at Christleton so they can move on to a secure working future, whether it be at age 16, 18, 21 and beyond.

Full details on KS4 and KS5 destinations can be found in our Key Performance Indicators

Futures priorities

  1. Increase awareness of students, teachers, and parents of employment opportunities and pathways available
  2. Further develop employability skills of all students
  3. Offer impartial and independent careers advice and guidance to pupils in all Key Stages, which builds on and supplements the activities currently taking place within the school

We welcome any comments or suggestions on how we can improve and develop further. Please contact Mr Cosstick (send email) or Mrs Rose (send email)

Futures Employability skills

Did you know…?

Universities and employers have identified a sub-set of skills as particularly desirable. At Christleton we are always looking for ways to develop these skills in our students. These seven employability skills are:

  1. Self-management - readiness to accept responsibility, flexibility, resilience, self-starting, appropriate assertiveness, time management, readiness to improve own performance based on feedback/ reflective learning
  2. Teamworking - respecting others, co-operating, negotiating/ persuading, contributing to discussions, and awareness of interdependence with others
  3. Business and customer awareness - basic understanding of the key drivers for business success - including the importance of innovation and taking calculated risks - and the need to provide customer satisfaction and build customer loyalty
  4. Problem solving - analysing facts and situations and applying creative thinking to develop appropriate solutions
  5. Communication and literacy - application of literacy, ability to produce clear, structured written work and oral literacy - including listening and questioning


To view our Careers policies, please refer to our Policies & Documents page

Types of ApprenticeshipDownload
University Interviews Guide Part One (General Aspects)Download
University Interviews Guide Part Two (Subjects)Download