Christleton High School Sixth Form Students


Students at Menin Gate in Berlin

Our history department at Christleton is firmly rooted in the 5 C’s of Christleton High School - with an emphasis on collaboration and cheerfulness! As a department with a strong team ethos, we hope to demonstrate both our efficiency, and enjoyment, in working together to achieve our goals. We have ultimate respect for our subject and, as such, our specialist teachers commit to the continued study of the subject of history by researching new, developing, and varied historical interpretations to really help bring our subject alive and demonstrate its relevance in today’s modern world.

Students are encouraged to be critical, analytical and evaluative as we search for meaning in contemporary source information across a range of different topics. These challenging skills are developed from Year 7 and form the basis of how we plan our curriculum. Other important historical skills are also emphasized in our curriculum such as the understanding of cause and consequence, significance, and change over time - the variety and challenge of which enables students to be fully engaged in the rich history that we explore.

Our History curriculum at Key Stage 3 is the focus of on-going development with new topic areas continuously being developed such as ‘The Crusades’ in Year 7, a depth study of ‘India and the British Empire’ in Year 8 and ‘Conflicting Ideologies’ in Year 9. In addition to this, we work hard to provide additional opportunities for students to extend their knowledge in each topic area by providing signposted materials to support independent research which focus on developing skills of both depth and breadth.

We also appreciate the significance of developing students knowledge of local history and have worked with Christleton Villages History Group to create ‘Christleton Great War Stories’ which, with the help of funding from the National Lottery and the tireless research of Mr David Cummings, has led to the creation of our own Christleton archive - a collection of individual stories which can now be found on the web site

Christleton High School students on history trip

As a further encouragement to explore local history independently, we also provide our parents with links to local attractions that support the teaching of our topics. We believe that History should be experienced both inside and outside the classroom and as such we are involved with a variety of extra-curricular activities. In recent years our students have been on visits to Ypres, Rome, Washington, New York, Berlin and even China in the past!

At GCSE, students will follow the Edexcel Syllabus which involves the study of Superpower Relations 1941-1991, The Russian Revolution 1917-1941, Medicine in Britain 1250 - present day (including a study of surgery and treatment on the Western Front from 1914-1918) and Early Elizabethan England from 1558 - 1588, which we hope will provide a both range and depth to our students historical knowledge. History remains one of the most popular choices for students selecting A levels at CHS.

At A Level, students in Year 12 will be investigating the theme of ‘Searching for Rights and Freedoms’ which is route F of the Edexcel History Syllabus. We will study both the USA and South Africa to explore this theme and our investigation will continue to build on the source analysis and interpretation skills developed in Key Stage 3 & 4 and will offer an opportunity to focus on both breadth and depth study. In Year 13, students will complete a 4,000 word coursework dissertation on an issue of historical debate and will also study Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors, 1485-1603.


Assessment of Historical Knowledge in KS3Download
Curriculum MapDownload
Curriculum OverviewDownload
KS3 History Year 7 and Year 8 Assessment GridDownload
Learning JourneyDownload
Year 7 Skills mark SchemeDownload
Year 8 Skills mark SchemeDownload
Year 9 Skills mark SchemeDownload


Please click a section below to expand:

Russia and the USSR, 1917-1941

Why was Russia ripe for Revolution in 1917?

Provisional Government and Events of 1917

Bolshevik Consolidation of Power 1917-18

The Russian Civil War

War, Communism and NEP

The Power Struggle 1924-29

Purges - Great Terror

Propaganda Censorship



Life in the Soviet Union - Women and Minorities

Superpower relations and the Cold War, 1941-91

Origins of the Cold War

Truman Doctrine / Marshall Plan

Berlin Crisis 1948-49

Arms Race

Hungarian Uprising

Berlin Wall

Cuban Missile Crisis

Prague Spring and Czechoslovakia



Reagan - Gorbachev

Fall of Berlin Wall

Fall of the Soviet Union

Medicine in Britain, c1250-present

Black Death

Unit 1 - Beliefs about Disease

Unit 1 - Treatments 1

Unit 1 - Treatments 2

Unit 2 - Great Plague 1665

Unit 2 - Medicine

Unit 3 - Florence Nightingale

Unit 3 - Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch

Unit 3 - Antiseptics and Anaesthetics

Unit 3 - Cholera

Unit 3 - Edward Jenner and Vaccinations

Unit 3 - Public Health Act

Unit 4 - DNA and Genetics

Unit 4 - Lung Cancer

Unit 4 - Magic Bullets

Unit 4 - Penicillin

Unit 4 - The NHS

Unit 5 - Medicine in the Early 20th Century

Unit 5 - Key Battles

Unit 5 - Trench Systems

Unit 5 - Types of Injuries

Unit 5 - RAMC FANY and the Chain of Evacuation

Unit 5 - Medical Advances

Early Elizabethan England 1558 - 1588

Unit 1 - Elizabeth’s Government

Unit 1 - Elizabethan Society

Unit 1 - Elizabeth’s Problems

Unit 1 - Elizabeth’s Character and Strengths

Unit 1 - Elizabeth’s Financial Weaknesses

Unit 1 - Elizabeth’s Challenges Abroad

Unit 1 - Religious Divisions and Settlement

Unit 1 - Role of the Church of England

Unit 1 - Challenge to Religious Settlement

Unit 2 - The Catholic Challenge Abroad

Unit 2 - Mary Queen of Scots

Unit 2 - The Revolt of the Northern Earls

Unit 2 - The Ridolfi Plot

Unit 2 - Throckmorton - Babington

Unit 2 - Walsingham

Unit 2 - Execution of Mary Queen of Scots

Unit 2 - Spain as a Political, Religious and Commercial Rival

Unit 2 - The Netherlands - Cadiz

Unit 2 - Armada Causes

Unit 2 - Armada 2 Events and Reasons for English Success

Unit 2 - Consequences of the Armada

Unit 3 - Elizabethan Education

Unit 3 - Sports, Pastimes and the Theatre

Unit 3 - The Problem of the Poor

Unit 3 - Changing Attitudes Towards the Poor

Unit 3 - Factors Prompting Exploration

Unit 3 - Drake’s Circumnavigation of the Globe

Unit 3 - Attempted Colonisation of Virginia

Unit 3 - Failure of Virginia


4 mark inference question

WHY do the two interpretations differ?

16 mark question

USEFULNESS 8 mark question

Revision Kahoots and Quizzes