Christleton High School Sixth Form Students

Business Studies

Our aim

Business Studies class at Christleton High School

Our aim is to broaden the knowledge and understanding of students of the business world and to develop within them an appreciation of the influences and constraints within which businesses work.

By acquiring an understanding of these issues and considering them in a national and international context, students will be able to develop their own values and standards. This will better prepare them for the workplace and help them to make informed choices about their future careers.

As a department we offer Business Studies at GCSE and A-Level and Economics at A-Level. The subjects are very popular options with a large portion of students choosing one of the subjects at GCSE and AS level. Business and Economics related courses are also one of the most popular degree courses for students from the school.

The department arranges trips to Chester Zoo, Manchester United and Cadbury’s World.

All students can expect a variety of activities, including independent learning. As a department we also emphasise applying knowledge to current affairs and real-life businesses.

Subject information

"Entrepreneurs are not born, they are made!" - Peter Jones

Business Studies provides students with insight into the operation of both small and large enterprises. Both the GCSE and A-Level courses introduce students to the challenges and issues of starting a business, including financial planning.

They then explore the key internal functions of business and how the management of these functions can assist in improving the effectiveness and performance of a business.

Key Stage 4

We offer two different courses for Years 10 and 11. GSCE Business studies follows the Edexcel syllabus and introduces students to the theory of starting a business and seeing that business grow to become a multinational corporation. Students will undertake two external examinations and a controlled assessment.

The alternative is a BTEC qualification in Enterprise which allows students to investigate a wide range of different businesses and produce a portfolio of work evidencing their findings. The current year 11 students are following the BTEC Tech award in Enterprise which is assessed through internal coursework (60%) and an external examination on Promotion and Finance (40%).

The 2022 cohort are following the new BTEC Enterprise which is assessed through pre-released assignments (60%) involving a set number of hours of monitored preparation and supervised sessions of write-up. There is also an external examination of Promotion and Finance worth (40%) of the overall qualification.


GCSE Bus Road MapDownload
Level 2 BTEC ENTERPRISE Learning Journey Yr 10-11Download
SOW BTEC Enterprise 2022Download
YEAR 11 BTEC KS4 Enterprise road mapDownload

Useful Links

Click below to view full course details:

BTEC Award in Business Studies Link icon Visit website
GCSE Business Studies Link icon Visit website
BTEC First Certificate Business Studies Link icon Visit website
BTEC Tech Awards Enterprise (2022) Link icon Visit website
Tutor2u Business Link icon Visit website
Business: Edexcel GCSE Link icon Visit website
Two Teachers Link icon Visit website
BBC Bitesize GCSE Edexcel Business Link icon Visit website