Christleton High School Students

Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)

A child or young person has Special Educational Needs if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. Children and young people who have SEN may also have a disability under the Equality Act 2010. Where a child or young person is covered by SEN and disability legislation, reasonable adjustments and access arrangements should be considered as part of SEN planning and review.

The 0-25 SEND Code of Practice (2014) describes the principles that should be observed by all professionals working with children and young people who have SEN or disabilities. These include:

  • taking into account the views of children, young people and their families
  • enabling children, young people and their parents to participate in decision-making
  • collaborating with partners in education, health and social care to provide support
  • identifying the needs of children and young people
  • making high quality provision to meet the needs of children and young people
  • focusing on inclusive practices and removing barriers to learning
  • helping children and young people to prepare for adulthood

At Christleton High School, all students are fully integrated into all aspects of school life, academic and social. The education of children with additional needs is a partnership between school on behalf of the Local Authority, parents and students.

Achievement of this aim requires co-operation and understanding from all partners, including the students themselves, as with the successful education of any student.

The school objective for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities is consistent with the school’s main aim:

"To enable all students to recognise and achieve their full potential in life. As a supportive and stimulating community we will encourage individual self - development. We will foster high personal and moral values and concern for others."

SENDCO contact

Mrs Suzanne Ashman
Email: Send email


Accessibility PlanDownload
Accessibility PolicyDownload
Equality Statement and ObjectivesDownload
Special Educational Needs (SEND) Local OfferDownload
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) PolicyDownload