Head of Department: Ms L Nanvazadah
Awarding Body: AQA
Entry Requirements: GCSE Grade 5 or above in an Art course
Course Description
Fine Art A-level is an exciting and enriching subject and is ideal for Sixth Formers who wish to pursue a career in the creative industries, teaching, architecture and art therapy, as well as those who simply wish to broaden their post-16 education. It is a two-year course, where students must determine their own themed personal investigation in conjunction with their teachers. This theme will then be divided into relevant sub-topics of value to the four assessment objectives:
- Developing Ideas This mean formulating thoughts and combining ideas, techniques, insights, views and concepts to take work in your particular, personal direction. In this way, you can tailor your art course to your own interests and strengths.
- Refining This includes experimenting with media and materials, techniques, methods, and selecting and improving work in those that will be most appropriate to your own work.
- Recording Information This is making a record of what you have seen or imagined and can be done in many forms, e.g. drawing, painting, sculpture, digital processes, relief and mixed-media. Students can develop existing experience and/or investigate new ways of working.
- Presenting a personal response or final outcome This is all about making your own final, well-practised and polished pieces, and a portfolio of artwork that makes sense to a viewer.
Homework and independent work are fundamental to success in Sixth Form Art. To this end, students are expected to work in the art department between timetabled lessons and initiative is essential. Independent gallery visits are also recommended, and students can apply to participate in a school-led residential visit when one is offered.
Further study: Former students have gone on to study Art Foundation and also degrees in Fine Art, Fashion, Product Design, Graphics, Art and Design and Architecture.
Careers: There are many career opportunities within the creative industries, including museum and gallery curation, graphic design, fashion design and photography, publishing and landscape architecture, to name a few.