Christleton High School Sixth Form Students

Health & Social Care

Head of Department: Mr J Llewellyn

Awarding Body: Pearson

Entry Requirements: Merit Grade at GCSE level, if studied (If not, students may be considered if they have met the overall Sixth Form requirements)

Course Description

Health and Social Care BTEC has a broad subject area, and is essential for those students looking towards a career working in the health care sector. The course includes units that explore human lifespan and development from infancy to later adulthood. It explores what it would be like to work in health care settings including hospitals and offers a variety of experiences, including hands-on, of the skills needed to succeed there. This includes giving students the opportunity to apply Care Values to a person’s individual needs by creating a care plan for them.

Candidates will study the following:

  • Unit 1 – Human Lifespan development You will cover physical, intellectual, emotional and social development across the human lifespan, including the factors affecting development and the effects of ageing.
  • Unit 2 – Working in Health and Social Care You will learn the skills needed to succeed in a health and social care setting. This will include applying care values and discussing when there may be barriers to professional practice.
  • Unit 5 – Meeting individual care and support needs You will focus on the principles and practicalities that underpin meeting individuals’ care and support needs, which are the foundation of all care.
  • Unit 10 – Sociological Perspectives You will explore how sociological perspectives can be applied to the practical nature of health and social care, including the impact of social class and gender on health and wellbeing.


Students enjoy the wide range of activities undertaken during the course, including:

  • Visiting local Primary schools
  • One week’s work experience (students often return to complete voluntary work in their own time)
  • Carrying out individual research for case studies
  • Interviewing professional visiting speakers

Work Experience

A mandatory one-week work placement will be arranged to gain an insight into health, social and early years care issues. This essential part of the course has also proved to be of great benefit when applying for further education courses or paid employment. Many students have also found that it has broadened their horizons in terms of what they would like to do for their career after Sixth Form.


Further study: Students from Christleton Sixth Form have gone on to study a wide range of degree courses at University including nursing, midwifery, radiography, occupational therapy, social work, physiotherapy and teaching. Those taking Health and Social Care also benefit from the transferable skills focused on within the course, such as research methods and communication skills.

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