Drama & Theatre
Head of Department: Mr S Phillips
Awarding Body: AQA
Entry Requirements: GCSE Grade 5 or above in either Performing Arts or Drama or and equivalent level (if studied) or a strong interest in Drama/Performing Arts. To check you meet the criteria, please email Mr Phillips (Head of Performing Arts)
Course Description
The course is split into 3 components:
Component 1 – Drama & Theatre – Studying Play Texts and Watching Live Theatre Performances
You will study and work practically on some set play texts and also watch live theatre to refine your evaluation skills.
Areas to be considered include:
- The theatrical processes and practices involved in interpreting and performing theatre
- How conventions, forms and techniques are used in drama and live theatre to create meaning
- How creative and artistic choices influence how meaning is communicated to an audience
- How performance texts are constructed to be performed, conveying meaning
- How performance texts are informed by their social, cultural and historical contexts and are interpreted and performed for an audience
Assessment (40%) – Written Exam at end of the course, marked by AQA
Component 2 – Creating Original Drama – Devising performance work of your own
You can choose to be a performer or a designer and you will work with a small group to create and original performance piece.
You will:
- Develop your own ideas
- Research relevant processes and practices of theatre making to inform your own practice
- Apply what you have learnt from live theatre to your own work in practice
- Collaborate with other theatre makers
- Explore devising and rehearsal methods
- Refine and amend work in progress
Assessment (30%) – Coursework (Written logbook and Performance recording), marked by teachers and moderated by AQA
Component 3 – Making Theatre – Studying and Performing Extracts from Professional Repertoire
You can choose to be a performer or a designer and you will work with a small group to interpret and existing text.
You will:
- Create and communicate meaning
- Realise artistic intention in text-based drama
- Analyse and evaluate your own work
- Study the work and methodology of one influential theatre practitioner
Assessment (30%) – Course (Performance and Reflective Report), marked by AQA
Further study: Previous students have gone on to study a diverse range of courses at university such as; Acting, Screen-writing, Education, Journalism and Broadcasting, Psychology, Law, Politics, Philosophy, Media, Drama Therapy and many more.
Careers: Drama & Theatre complements a range of subjects and is useful in developing confidence and improving presentation and personal skills essential in a range of careers.