Christleton High School Sixth Form Students


Head of Department: Mr S Phillips

Awarding Body: OCR

Entry Requirements: GCSE Grace 5 or above in Music or BTEC Merit or above in Music AND Grade 5 standard in Performance (Instrumental or vocal) even if you haven’t done any exams. If you have lots of musical experience and knowledge but did not study GCSE/BTEC, you may still be considered. To check you meet the criteria, please email Mr Phillips (Head of Performing Arts)

Course Description

Students who continue their education to A level Music will develop their skills and knowledge to a high standard, which is approaching that of a degree. They will do this by further developments in the areas of performing, composing and musical understanding.

  • Performing This allows students to develop their performing skills and also provides them with the opportunity to critically analyse their own performance. Students will be required to perform a video-recorded recital of music lasting approximately 8 – 12 minutes. A Grade 5 standard of performance is regarded as the minimum level of ability required, and will allow candidates to access all of the available marks.
  • Composing Students develop their creative composition skills further than at GCSE, composing music which is interesting and stimulating to listen to. They will learn about techniques such as modulation and extended use of instruments in order to facilitate this. Assessment is 50% composition to a brief and 50% free choice composition.
  • Musical Understanding This area includes music theory and appreciation. Students will learn about the technical aspects of music and how music actually ‘works’ in the theory, and will also experience many different styles and types of music in the appreciation areas. Students should be prepared to open their minds, allowing themselves to appreciate and critically evaluate music which they might not have otherwise experienced in the past.


Further study: Music is highly regarded as an academic subject and can complement your other studies. Students who have studied Music have gone on to study subjects ranging from Law to Accountancy.

Careers: Music can lead to a range of exciting career opportunities, including those in the Film, TV, theatre, radio, arts administration or creative education.

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